2016 in Review- The Girls' Home
Each day this week, we are going to spotlight a different ministry and share the highlights from 2016. Follow along with the hashtag #DRMissions2016 and share your own pictures, memories, or stories! Today's spotlight is the Girls' Home. The Girl's home is one of the oldest ministries of DR Missions, and it experienced some big changes this year! Here are the highlights:

Our long-time directors, Pastor Juan Antonio and Maria, stepped down from their role. We were sad to see them go, but this led to a great opportunity to raise up new leadership. Our own Rafelina, a “graduate” of the Girls Home herself and a soon to be college graduate with a degree in psychology, has stepped up as co-director. Our other director is Rafelina’s mother, Margarita. She has worked with Bread of Life for years and is a familiar face for the girls and the Bread of Life children. She hardworking, kind, and full of experience. She’s raised six girls (and one boy) already! They are doing an incredible job. Change is hard no matter what the circumstances are, but we know that the Lord is walking through this right alongside our girls.

We changed up the room situation and now the girls sleep in a bunch of smaller rooms upstairs. The downstairs bunk room has transformed into a family room with a big table where the girls can eat, play games, and work on their homework.
Kati and Yerenni graduated high school and took their final exams. They both scored well. Some of our girls have been taking English classes and it is so much fun to hear them practicing.

We were proud to see Diana get baptized earlier this year and to continue to watch her faith grow. We celebrated two special quinceañeras this year, Yosaura and Diana. They both have grown into beautiful young women.