2017 in Review- Community Outreach
Community outreach is a growing part of our ministry. As the face of international missions continually changes, there is an added emphasis on teaching, encouraging, and equipping local leaders to reach their own populations. Through a variety of community outreach events, we have been able to reach new people and populations that we have been able to in the past. Here's a few examples:
Women’s Ministry- With the help of the Myers Team in July, we threw a tea party for the Bread of Life mothers. They ate snacks, fellowshipped with other mothers, did crafts, and discussed things other than their children! There was an inspiring message and a time for prayer at the end.

Conferences- This year, DR Missions was blessed to host a variety of conferences to inspire and encourage community and church leaders. In June, we had a pastoral conference that focused on fatherhood. In July, we had a conference for church leaders who are interested in prison ministry to learn new techniques and skills for reaching this diverse population. That same month, we also had a marriage conference for church leaders and married or engaged couples. All of these conferences allow us to teach church leaders valuable skills or information so they can go out and teach their congregations.

Azua Outreach- In July, the BSU team from Missouri Western travelled to another small town called Azua to do a day of outreach and ministry. Some of the highlights included a powerful teaching on Evangelism, hands-on practice evangelizing around the town, a children’s ministry event, and worship & preaching at a local church. It was a full day with an incredible impact on the local community!

Sports Ministry- Using sports to reach children is too much fun! This year, we hosted a two day long soccer clinic for the Bread of Life children and other kids from their neighborhood. It was a little chaotic, but the kids loved playing huge games of soccer and playing in the beautiful green grass, a rarity in their neighborhood.

The Big Event- In early June, the worship team from Restoration Church put on a street worship event where we closed down a road, set up a stage, and gathered hundreds of people to worship and pray together. It was a powerful night full of the Holy Spirit, changed lives, new relationships and connections with Godly believers.