Are you...
- Interested in pursuing full time missions in the future?
- Wondering what the life of a missionary is like?
- In need of an internship for college credit in education, medical field, nursing, psychology, graphic design, photography, or another related field?
- Free from summer plans but have a heart to serve?
- In need of Christians friends to do life with?
- Just wanting to experience God in a new way?
-Looking to be mentored and grow in your faith?
- Ready for a big adventure?
If you said yes to one (or more) of the above statements, it sounds like our summer internship program is for you.
The Details
Who: Youth and young adults ages 16-21
What: Serve alongside DR Missions missionaries, help facilitate teams, learn how to lead activities, help plan and lead the Bread of Life VBS, serve with the youth group, go on adventures and intern outings, and more!
When: Internships typically run from May to August. There are two intern sessions, one being 3 weeks and the other 4. Returning interns can apply to stay for both sessions.
Where: Interns live in the Franca mission home and stay in the intern apartments with other interns of the same gender.
Why: A better question, why not?
How: Apply Here! If you're looking for more information before you decide, join our Facebook group here and message Intern Director Callie Franca on Facebook with any questions.