Auburn University 2017
Last week, Auburn University kicked off what is going to be an incredible season on teams. For the sixth year in a row, AU sent students to serve here with DR Missions as a part of their ASB program. We had a busy but exciting week. Here are some of the highlights:
Park Project: Every year, Auburn works in the local park but painting, cleaning, gardening, etc. They have collectively seen this park go from an unused slab of concrete to a fun community gathering area frequently used for birthday parties and church services. This year, we focused on cleaning up trash, putting on a fresh coat of yellow paint, and painting a new mural on the back wall. Through this time, Auburn students really invested in the children in this area, forming sweet relationships and losing many a soccer match.

Bread of Life- The Auburn team also formed relationships with the Bread of Life children. We spent one day where they each picked one child and got to know their story, their family, their likes and dislikes. At closing, the team each shared about the child they got to know. We also had a fun activity with chalk and bubbles. The kids loved coloring on our white “expression” wall. We repaint it every few months so the children can decorate it again.

Girl’s Home Posters- Last year, Auburn and the team made self-expression posters with the girls from our Girls’ Home. This year, they took it a step further and made posters about their futures. The girls cut out pictures from magazines and decorated their poster with all their hopes and dreams. The team and the girls took turns presenting the posters to each other.

Waterfall Adventure- The Auburn team closed out their trip with a day long adventure the 27 waterfalls. They hiked, swam, jumped, and slid with so much energy. The team brought one of our friends from the Girls Home, Yerenni, along for the adventure and she had a blast. The scenery was beautiful and it was a great ending to the trip.
Thank you Auburn for a great week. War Eagle, and we’ll see you next year!