2016 in Review- The Water Project
This week, we are spotlighting the different aspects of ministry and sharing how they grew and changed in 2016. Today we have chosen to share about the water project. Last year, in 2015, a team came to install a water purification system on the same property as the Girls' Home and Bread of Life. We thought it was time for an update! Check out the original post here. Feel free to join in by sharing your own pictures and stories with the hashtag #DRMissions2016.
In 2015, Living Waters for the World came to install a giant water filtration unit on the Bread of Life property. It can hold 500 gallons of purified water at a time and it can be used to fill 5 gallon jugs to be used for Bread of Life, the Girls home, and at the missions home. One day, we hope to be able to sell water to the surrounding community as well.

Early in the year, we had some technical problems and it stopped running. In June, the Chi Alpha team graciously offered to clean our out giant 500 gallon tubs. It was a dirty job and we were so thankful for their sacrifice! Later in the summer, some of the Living Water for the World team members returned and were able to get the system running again. They re-trained some of our missionaries and staff members on the system and answered many of our questions.

The week after they left, we got to witness a beautiful site. As the children would run, play, and tire out, they would sneak into the kitchen where someone would hand them a cold glass of water. Isn’t unlimited clean water such a miracle? We think it is.