2016 in Review- The Refugee Area
Each day this week, we are going to spotlight a different ministry and share the highlights from 2016. Follow along with the hashtag #DRMissions2016 and share your own pictures, memories, or stories! Today, we are going to spotlight the refugee area. This is a neighborhood that we have served in for many years. We had some incredible opportunities to improve the quality of life of the occupants and introduce the lifesaving name of Jesus Christ. Here's the highlights!
The refugee area was host to many medical outreaches this year. We had the opportunity to treat medical conditions and pray with patients almost on a weekly basis. Our average number of patients was over 100!
One week, in an effort to grow relationships with the people of this neighborhood, we set up a big screen and a tent. People gathered in chairs and we showed a slideshow full of pictures of them throughout the years. A few people shared their testimonies and we prayed and worshiped together. It was a sweet time of fellowship.
On another occasion, we had the opportunity to attend the church in the refugee area. This was our first time visiting this church and we were welcomed with open arms. Just two years ago we helped build a roof on this church and it is incredible to see the impact it is making on the community.
A team from Neighborhood Church in CA had it on their hearts to provide clean water to every family in the refugee area. They experienced incredible favor while fundraising and were able to provide a water filtration unit for 300 families, the entire neighborhood. Handing them out was a big adventure. We went door-to-door, recording names, handing out water filtration units, and explaining how to use them. We prayed a blessing over every family as well. Not only did we provide a sustainable way to get healthy clean water, but it was a great opportunity to grow our relationships with these neighbors.